First, I would like to thank you all for taking the time to check out my blog! I am new at this, and the idea just came to me this morning to share my story on how I live day to day as a Christian wife, mother, sister, daughter and friend.
This is me, unedited :)
My name is Karie, and I was raised in a partial Christian home, with 5 brothers and 3 sisters. I am the 4th oldest of the 9 children. I say 'Partial' Christian home because my Mother was the one that took myself and my siblings to church... Dad never was involved in the church scene. Just like my Mom, we were raised going to a Catholic Church, of which I realize now never really taught me what I know today about Christianity. I would go to Church on a weekly basis, holidays and Sunday School... yet I still did not receive Christ in my life. Not until years later.
As an adult, I met my soul mate. We were freshly 18, and shortly after we became pregnant with our oldest child. For his sake we would occasionally attend church. In our minds we were doing what we could to have Christianity introduced to him. He would go to Sunday School... and eventually that is all it was. Our son attended Sunday school, and we would only go to church on Christmas and Easter.
When our son was 3 1/2 we were married in a Lutheran Church. We became members, not really knowing what that meant besides saving us some money on being married there. We continued on with our Holiday appearances at Church even past the birth of our daughter in 2005.
Then things started to change. In the winter of 2007, I found out that I was pregnant again. This news was very unexpected, and honestly not welcomed by me at the time. I was very low income, young, my husband had been struggling with drugs and alcohol... and I was SCARED.
For the first few months, I was not too happy about getting ready to add to our family. Finally, at about 4 months along, I had a breakthrough and decided that this was not a horrible thing, and we would make it... together. In the Spring of 2008, I had a regular ultrasound, and some things came back as abnormal. I was told that my child may have a rare disorder that would cause serious heart and brain defects and that the child would not live long past birth, if even that long.
I was lost and heartbroken. I felt guilty for the feelings that I had early on in my pregnancy. Again, I was SCARED.
On Easter 2008, we went to a new church. When we were there we were amazed. This is a kind of church that I have never seen. This was the first time that I had attended a Non-denominational church.. and it was so... me! I found such encouragement, strength, and FAITH. From that moment I started to pray to God to save my baby. To make this baby healthy. After praying that prayer for a couple months, I changed. I prayed that this baby would make it... with a disability or not, I would love him or her no matter what (my husband and I decided not to find out the gender of the child since we had one of each already).
At about 38 weeks pregnant, I had to go to get a special ultrasound done to determine the health of my unborn child. I was completely terrified... yet I had faith that God would lead me through this. To my amazement, the ultrasound tech informed me that the baby was completely fine. Perfect. WOW. I was speechless. GOD IS AMAZING! Through Him, and through my faith... my second son was born a whopping 9lbs 11oz on August 8th, 2008. A beautiful and healthy child of God.
Through this trial in my life, I am a changed woman. I am happy to be a Jesus Freak!
In the summer of 2009, my husband and I were baptized together, along with many other Christians in a Lake baptism with our new home church. This was an amazing day!
I know now, that even with great faith... anyone can slip. I have been tested many times over in the past 2 years. Things from my husband's drug addiction returning to many losses in my family. I like to think that things are smooth sailing now, my husband is getting much needed help, my family has grown closer (although still hurting). I am afraid that something will happen... yet instead of worry, I pray. God, please get us through these trying times! Give us the strength to live day to day in a world so full of hatred and pain.
I know that someday this pain will be gone for good... and until that day I will speak the word of God, and pray for those that have not received Christ to do so. This life I live now, even when there are pains and losses, is full of light. I am walking in the light of my Lord, God.
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