Thursday, December 30, 2010

A One Word Resolution

Every year, I set myself up for a disappointment... not the best way to start off a new year!  I make an unrealistic resolution.  One that I would LOVE to accomplish, yet usually forget about, or give up on within months.  This year, I am hoping the story will be different! 
I listen to KLOVE, a Christian radio station, daily.  It is "positive and encouraging" (yea, haha.. this is their motto ;)) This station has helped me through a lot, it seems as though they play a song that I really needed to hear all at the right moments!  Well, today they were talking about this "One Word Resolution".  So, to sum it up, I pick a word that describes what I want to be or accomplish this year.  I am contemplating my word as I type this, hopefully by the end of this blog entry I will have it.  Here are some of the ideas that they have on their web page ( (These are actual quotes from listeners of KLOVE, I am using these as examples... hoping to spread the news!)

Kim Moreno
My word for 2010 was "learn"; I wanted to learn more about Christ and His plan for me.  This year would be "submit"; this is very difficult for me.  It is causing issue with my marriage to a Christian man who wants nothing more than to be heard and respected for his views and suggestions without always being questioned.  This has not come easy for me.  I have been in past relationships with secular men of whom wanted me to be sub servant to them and I don't ever want to be there again.  I try not to allow it to happen, but with this man (my husband) it means that I am not letting him in.  I have the same trouble with my relationship to Christ.  I try to control my life, and in doing so I am causing more pain for those around me.  So this year, I want to learn submission, in God's word not of this world.
Nicole Beardslee
I did pick a word this year, and it really motivated me to keep going in the face of uncertainty and that word is 'fearless'. In fact, I had a motto this year...'40 and fearless!' I turned 40 years old in March, and I decided instead of looking at this milestone as something to be depressed about...I embraced it, and asked God to help me face my fears this year in all areas of my life. So....this year, I used the talents the Lord gave me, and I released my first CD! I have been a songwriter for years, but too chicken to put myself out there..doubting the songs, doubting I was good enough...and I just gave it over to the Lord and asked him to use my gifts any way he saw fit..and ta-da! My CD is finished! I wanted to do it to show my kids (all six of them) that they can reach their dreams if they use the natural abilities the Lord blesses us with, and I wanted to encourage other women my age to be 'fearless' and embrace their dreams inside themselves!  I plan on using the word 'fearless' in 2011 too...why not?  Who knows what life has in store for me if I put my strength and my faith in Christ!
Susan Allen
I didn't even have to think about it.MORE: May sound self fish, but I want more! More God, More knowledge of the Bible, more love, more time alone with my husband, more organized, more kids in Sunday school, more laughter, more prayer, more contintent, more exercise, more positive attitude, more ambitious, more family time at the dinner table or playing board games, more encouraging to others, more singing, more compliments to others, more understanding of others, more compassion, to use my time MORE wisely. more Faith....JUST MORE
Diane Newton
my word would be: hindsight
my devotional today suggested to keep a journal and at the start of each new year to reflect back on the previously year and to write down  all the significant events that happened in that year (good and bad)and beside each event write God's response. You will see how God has walked with you and you will see that sometimes God calmed the storm and sometimes he calmed the child to go thru the storm.
Mary Miller 
My word for last year was hope. The verse that went with that was Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Both my husband and myself are professionals and we have lost 3 jobs in the last 13 months. I have found that only He can be my hope and future!
This year my word is healthy. I can't wait to see what God teaches me about being healthy this year
These are all amazing goals, and there are sooo many more!  Here is a link to the site, if you are interested... and please pass it on! 
So, now on to my "resolution".  My word for 2011 is REMEMBER.  For those of you who know me well, I am very forgetful... but my Remember is beyond being forgetful.. I want to Remember to read my Bible daily.  Remember that time is easily wasted, and making every moment count.  Remember the blessings that God has given me and my family and friends.  Remember that I need to be all that God created me to be.  This is a big word, and I hope that I can REMEMBER to REMEMBER! 
May God bless you all with a promising new year, and goals that are reachable.  I would love to hear your stories, so feel free to post what your goal for the new year is! 
Happy New Year!

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